Sunday, August 4, 2013

What Is Baby Weight Made Up Of?

Gaining weight during a pregnancy is not only a natural process, but a necessity as well. Your body needs to store more fat and minerals because now you not only have to nourish yourself, but also nourish the development of your child.

Gaining weight is a necessity, but you must make sure that you do not gain extra weight. If you become over weight, you might have complications or difficulties with the child’s delivery. So how will you know that you are starting to gain those unnecessary extra pounds, and if you do gain them how do you lose them?

With so much importance associated to the weight that the mother-to-be gains during the pregnancy, you need to make sure that you are eating the healthiest and beneficial diet available to you; but, this is a diet that is not intended for weight loss, it is intended for proper nutrition. A healthy diet will help keep you in proper health, nourish your developing baby, and will also help to gain or lose your weight as your condition may demand it.

Generally, during the first 3 months (the first trimester) a pregnant woman should gain around 2 to 4 pounds. From the third month on, the mother needs to gain at least 1 pound every week until the delivery. Therefore, a mother expecting a single baby will need to gain about 26 to 28 pounds, but if she is expecting twins then she will need to gain even more weight i.e. around 35 to 40 pounds (averaging 1.5 pounds a week.)

The weight that a woman needs to gain for her pregnancy has already been discussed, but how much of the weight is actually the baby’s weight? The weight that the mother gains, surely isn’t all the baby’s!

And it is not; the entire baby weight or the entire weight that the mother gains includes several body tissues that develop during the pregnancy. A general break up of this is as follows:
  • The proportion of the weight of the baby itself to the entire weight gain hovers around 8 pounds.

  • 2 to 3 pounds of the weight qualifies as the placenta’s proportion.

  • The Amniotic fluid adds around 2 to 3 pounds more to the entire weight.

  • The extra breast tissue that develops (necessary for breast feeding) comprises of yet another 2 to 3 pounds of the total weight.

  • The blood that is stored for the pregnancy amounts to about 4 pounds of the total weight gain.
  • The extra fat that is stored for the delivery of the baby and breast feeding adds around 5 to 9 pounds to the total weight.

  • The uterus increases in weight from 2 to 5 pounds

The above is a general break up of what the mother’s entire weight gain comprises of, but the important thing is the weight of the mother before the pregnancy. If a mother-to-be is underweight then she needs to gain 28 to 40 pounds altogether, and if the mother-to-be is overweight, she only needs to gain around 11 pounds.

Kegel Exercises - Discover The Truth Here And Learn How You Can Get Real Results!

If you are reading this article then you are most likely looking up some more information on Kegel Exercises and whether you are a new Mother or a Mom to be, they have many health benefits.

The can help prevent vaginal prolapse and also uterine pro lapse as well, not to mention strengthening the pelvic floor so you are more equipped for child birth.

They are most widely used after child birth to strengthen the vaginal muscles and because the vagina suffers a certain amount of trauma through Childbirth this can damage self esteem and self confidence in the bedroom.

Well this article will tell you what will REALLY help you so you can get results fast!

You see of course you can find Kegel Exercises all about the web, but alot of Women say that they are not really effective, I mean to prove the point you can see all sorts of muscles trainers, creams and quick fixes that are supposed to help, but more often then not they will just end up costing you alot of money!

So How Can You Get Real Results?

Well it is all down to HOW you actually go about performing the exercises and you may have heard with muscles groups that the best form of exercise is tension exercise?

Well this is the same for anywhere!

Unless you are doing the exercises correctly you will not see good results!

Well don't worry because help is at hand!

There is a new guide that is sweeping the web, and getting some rave reviews as well!

Kegel Magic is a complete gourse and action plan that guarantees results for you in under 4 weeks!

Caroline Ward the creator takes you by the hand and shows you how you can strengthen your love muscles with proven results using natural methods!

Once you see how easy this is you will be amazed!

It really works and comes with a full guarantee so you cannot go wrong, check out the Kegel Magic guide below and see some proven results today: Kegel Magic guide

Friday, August 2, 2013

Timing Intercourse to Choose the Gender of Your Child

While there are no guarantees when it comes to natural gender selection, there are a few things that can be done to increase the likelihood of having a little boy or a little girl. If you are specifically wanting a boy or girl, it certainly doesn’t hurt to try a few natural techniques. You may not get the gender you want, but it sure is fun trying and the result is the same regardless – a happy and healthy baby, and that is what really matters.

In order to understand how the timing of when you have sex can impact the gender of your child it is important to look at two different things – first, how ovulation works and second, how the differences in sperm affect this timing. Let's look at ovulation first.

Every month, there is a window of fertility that is approximately five days long. Three days prior to ovulation to one day following ovulation are the best times to conceive. Remember, the egg only has 24 hours of viability, and that sperm can live for up to five days in the reproductive tract. Each woman is different however, but this is the generally accepted "window of fertility" that occurs every month. So, now that you've narrowed it down to five days of the month where you are fertile, it's time to figure out how to time your intercourse to choose the gender of your child. Let's take a look at the differences in sperm that carry the chromosomes that decide gender.

A sperm carrying the Y chromosome will result in a boy if it successfully fertilizes the egg. A sperm carrying the X chromosome will result in a girl. There are some main differences in these sperm that are important to understand. The Y sperm are very small, but also very quick and agile. The main downside is that they don't live very long. The X sperm are bigger and much slower, but on the flip side, they live a lot longer.

Keeping this in mind, now let's move to timing. In order to have a boy, it is vital to allow the Y sperm the time they need to reach the egg as quickly as possible. This means that you need to time intercourse on the day that you ovulate. The Y sperm won't live much longer than that 24 hour period that the egg is viable and you need to give them that chance to meet the egg before they expire.

On the other hand, if you want to have a girl, you should time intercourse to two to three days prior to ovulation. During this time, the Y sperm will have died out, leaving the slower but more durable X sperm behind. This greatly increases the chances that you will have a girl.

There are many other factors that can effect the gender of your child such as diet, and even the sexual position that you use, but timing it properly can help you naturally select your child's gender. More info here

What exactly is infertility?

The problems with either conceiving a child, or with carrying out the pregnancy to its eventual fruitful end, fall under the definition of infertility. Infertility is the incapability of an individual to become pregnant, in case of females, or the incapability to induce pregnancy, in case of the males. The inability of an individual to carry out a pregnancy to its full term is also dubbed infertility. How does one recognize infertility? What are the signs of infertility?

Signs of infertility are not always evident. Most people go through life without knowing there is a problem with their reproductive systems, attributing failed pregnancies to providence. In fact, miscarriages are the most common indicator of infertility. Signs of infertility in women:

In women, the signs of infertility are more readily recognized as compared to men. Endometriosis causes the lining of the uterus to grow outside the uterus.

Bacterial infections may begin around the uterus and spread to other reproductive organs, resulting in infertility. Fibroids in the uterus are indicative of infertility. Tumors in the cervix often cause stenosis, or narrowing of the cervix, which is a common indicator of infertility.

Ovulating before the tenth day and after the twentieth day of one's monthly cycle, pre-menstrual spotting, menopausal symptoms, etc. are indicative of luteal phase defect, and thus in turn are signs too.

Irregular menstrual cycles are the most common indication in females that they might have some problems with fertility. However, an irregular menstrual cycle is not conclusive in itself, but it is definitely one of the signs of infertility.

Issues regarding body weight are often indicators of being infertile. For a woman, being too thin, or anorexic, will definitely hinder pregnancy, since the body does not have the proper nutritional requirements, or the required strength.

Alternatively, obesity can also be a sign. Obesity is accompanied by hormonal imbalance, which affects the reproductive system and pregnancy. Signs of Infertility in Men:

Like females, in males too, either obesity, or anorexia, is an indication that he is infertile. Apart from these, anatomical defects may also be signs of infertility. Undescended testicles, or damage to scrotum and the gonads, are possible indicators too. Wearing tight undergarments, or exposing the testicles to heat, may render the person unable to produce the required number of sperms, or unable to produce sperms altogether, resulting in infertility.

Determining the signs of infertility:

There are many medical procedures for detecting the signs that help to determine whether an individual is infertile or not. Doctors usually prescribe one or more of the following medical tests:

A dye injected into the vagina is monitored to check for blockage in the fallopian tubes or uterus.

If disease and other physical problems are present in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or in the uterus, infertility is suggested. This may be detected through laparoscopy.

Infertility is a problem which can be solved if it is addressed in the holistic way, which is, using a multifaceted method of healing. Getting regular health checkups, taking supplements to combat existing problem, exercising and stress reduction techniques are only part of the holistic solution to infertility. The holistic approach is not only a surefire way to increase your chances of conception it also guarantees a safe and healthy pregnancy.

This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website: Pregnancy Miracle

10 Tips to Lose the Baby Weight Post Pregnancy

When you have a baby, your entire life changes. But let's face it, for a woman, it is not just your life that changes; your body also goes through a dramatic transformation. You gain a significant amount of weight during the pregnancy, and so it is not totally surprising to find out that one of the most common questions related to life after child birth, is how to lose the baby weight after pregnancy.

If you are a new mother, you are probably wondering why it is taking you so long to lose the baby weight, and if your post pregnancy weight is ever going to return to normal. Of course, it doesn't help when you compare yourself to celebrity moms out there who are losing the post pregnancy weight in no time. I'm sure you caught yourself asking how did Alicia Keys lose her baby weight so fast? If so, what I don't want you to do is give up and attempt to convince yourself that the privilege of losing pregnancy weight is only reserved to those few out in Hollywood. This is simply not true. If you follow the tips I am about to give you, you can lose the baby weight too. So without much more blabbing, here are 10 weight loss tips you can follow if you want to lose post pregnancy weight, you could also get advice here

How do I lose the baby weight?

Start slow: 
Although you may be very anxious to get involved in a weight loss crash course program, or some type of fat loss pills immediately after your pregnancy, I would say slow your roll a little bit. Keep in mind that your body just went through a lot and it deserves time to recuperate. It has been shown that the average weight gain during pregnancy is between 25 and 35 pounds, and that right after giving birth, the mother loses about 10 to 15 pound of baby weight. That should leave you with about 10 to 25 pounds of post pregnancy weight to lose in the coming several months (which should be achievable), so the first rule is don't go nuts the very first week after child birth. You have months ahead of you.

Breastfeeding after pregnancy can help you reduce the fat and drop the baby weight, because it burns extra calories in order to make milk. It has been shown that breastfeeding burns approximately five hundred calories per day, and it is obviously very good for the child. So you are essentially killing two birds with one stone.

Load up on healthy snacks: You know you will be spending a lot of time around the house, so you will definitely feel hungry between meals. What do you do then? Pack up the kitchen cabinets with healthy snacks. Get rid of the soda. It does not have its place in the house, especially now more than ever, when you are trying to lose the pregnancy weight. Buy organic honey and probiotic yogurt (to help aid your digestive functions and facilitate bowel movements).

Drink a ton of water: 
Filtered water should be your best friend. People do not drink enough water and it is a big mistake. As a rule of thumb, drink about half your body weight in ounce of water. So for instance if your weight is 150 lbs, drink at least 75 ounces of water daily. A good pointer is, if your urine is yellow, that means you are not hydrating well enough. Systematically replace all sugary drinks with water and you should see an increase in post pregnancy weight loss.

Exercise when the kid is napping: 
Caring for a baby can be extremely time consuming, but what is worst is that it can create a spiral when your first excuse is that you have no time left to exercise because you are caring for the baby. Here is the best way to get out of that pickle. Break up your exercise routines into segment. It is very difficult to find a full half hour to exercise when you have a newborn, so break up one workout into two sessions of 15 minutes each. Do the workout when the baby is napping. Most babies take at least two naps daily. Learn their schedule and start planning your workout when they are getting their nap on. The first session can be a 15 minute of aerobic workout and then when you come back later for the second round, do some toning exercises, such as thigh toning workout or squats or lunges.

Increase your intake of vegetables, fruits and whole grain: 
Many weight loss tips recommend healthy diet but what is a healthy diet really? Well, foods that are high in fiber content for instance fall in that category. They will help you stay full much longer, preventing you from eating large meals at each sitting. Also, pack up on broccoli, carrots, beets, etc. Don't forget the fruits, but make sure they are organic. They are a great source of minerals and vitamins, which your post pregnancy body so much needs

Take the baby out for a stroll: 
In addition to all the other tips, you should get in the habit of taking the baby out for a stroll around the block. Any little bit of exercise activity can help.

Avoid going on a strict diet: 
Women require at least 1,200 calories per day in order to stay healthy, so the worst is to get involved into some crash diet that deprives you of the necessary nutrients your body needs in order to nourish the baby through breastfeeding.

Eat four to six small meals a day: 
I know having a newborn baby is a full time responsibility and so sometimes, you may be so caught up taking care of the kid that you forget to eat. This means you end up eating only one large meal during the day. Well, this will not help you lose the baby weight. There is no better weight loss tips than to eat several small healthy meals a day.

Stay away from sit ups: 
Many moms out there continue to mistakenly do hundreds of crunches daily, under the notion that it would reduce the fat accumulated around the waist area as a result of the pregnancy. No, this does not work. There is no such thing as spot fat loss reducing. Beware of any weight loss tips that are promising you to lose weight in only one area of your body; that is simply not going to happen. Instead, replace the sit ups with jump rope exercises that you can perform even in your living room while watching the baby. Set your Gymboss for 10 minute of jump rope non-stop, and then stretch nicely afterward. You will be thankful for doing this regularly.

That's it ladies. Hopefully these weight loss tips have armed you with a better understand of how get rid of the baby weight post pregnancy. Remember, taking small steps do add up, but taking no steps is a sure way to drag that baby weight around for as long as possible. So start making changes today

Kodjo Hounnake is a home fitness enthusiast who believes the average person can get and remain in great shape right at home. You do not need expensive gym equipment to achieve the body of your dreams. Your body weight is sufficient enough. See the hundreds of home workout videos on my fitness blog at

How Much Weight Gain Is Necessary During Pregnancy?

Weight gain during pregnancy is a problem for many women. How much weight should you gain during your pregnancy is an important question that needs to be answered correctly and appropriately. Normally you will gain about 26 to 28 pounds, but if you are expecting twins then you will gain around 35 to 40 pounds. It all depends on how you plan your diet and most importantly what you have included in your diet. Make sure that healthy minerals and nutrients are a part of your diet. They will keep you fresh and healthy without gaining much weight.

Fresh and natural foods are necessary if you are expecting. Avoid eating packaged food. Packed foods increase your weight and store excess fat in your body which is harmful for you as well as your baby. Next thing you should do in order to avoid too much weight gain is to eat throughout the day. Never leave your stomach empty; have snacks every 2-3 hours. These snacks should be healthy and should provide you with all the nutrients that are required. Make sure that you are not taking any sort of unhealthy food as your snacks.

You will gain extra weight if you take unhealthy foods or junk food as your snacks. If you are going out, make sure that you carry your snacks with you. This will also avoid food cravings that you may develop due to which you may be tempted to turn to unhealthy foods. The next thing you can do to control your weight is to divide your lunch and dinner plate. Your plate should equally contain proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and all nutrients that are necessary for your baby to develop. Make sure that you eat in the right proportion. Do not overeat; if you do, you will feel nauseated and will also gain unnecessary weight.

You should combine all the food groups; never leave out a nutrient or a mineral as all of them are important in one way or the other for the baby’s development. Each day you should eat three servings of dairy products, three to four servings of poultry dishes, six to seven dishes of whole grains, and about three to four servings of fruits and vegetables. Intake of fruits and vegetables is a must and you must make sure that you eat them daily as consulted by your doctor.

You should know how many calories your food contains; this way you will be able to watch your weight. Ask your doctor how many calories per day you require so that you do not overdo it with your caloric intake. Also you should stay active during your pregnancy. Being inactive can also increase your weight. Make sure that you eat appropriately and correctly. Eat all kinds of healthy foods and you should also exercise to stay healthy and to burn out excess fats if any.

Focus on eating healthy and keeping your weight under control so that you do not face any complications in delivering your baby.More info? Click here