Monday, October 28, 2013

8 Common Problems Women Face During Pregnancy

Pregnancy and child bearing is one of the great fulfillments of womanhood. It is said that bearing children is what makes a complete woman. This may not be accepted as a general saying, but the truth remains that there are more women in the world who will attest to this fact. Statistics shows that over 83% of married women actually look forward to getting pregnant and having babies. In some cases, it is immediate, while some other cases would take a while.

The average pregnancy period takes about 9 months or approximately 36 to 37 weeks. During this time, the woman's body experiences lots of changes. These changes, most times are the causes of the symptoms and pains that pregnant women go through. The pains if not attached to severe medical conditions are usually very normal and should be handled as such.

In this article, we will attempt to outline 8 of the most common problems women face during pregnancy.

1. The most common of the problems pregnant women go through would be backache. This is so because, as the baby grows, the hollow of the back will become more pronounced, leading to aches.

2. Indigestion is another area to look out for in pregnant women. It is caused by hormonal discharge, and the size of the growing womb pressing on the stomach.

3. Nausea and Morning Sickness. This must be the most common as we hear it on people's lips very often. The physical and chemical changes in the woman's body system during pregnancy. This should be noticed in the early stages.

4. There are also instances of leaking nipples. Again, this is very normal as the breasts starts to get set for the work of feeding baby when he or she arrives.

5. Swollen ankles. The pregnant woman will also notice swellings on the ankles, fingers and feet. There is no cause for alarm as this is just a sign to show you that your body is holding more water than usual.

6. Foods to avoid while pregnant - many women don't know, or don't care about the negative effect of what they eat on their child.

7. Stretch marks are common problems pregnant women face. It is not unusual to see these marks around the tummy, breasts and around the upper thighs as the pregnancy progresses.

8. Pregnant women pass lots of urine during the pregnancy period. It starts in the early stage and may even progress into the later months. Again, it is normal. I you worry about it, tell it to your maternity team.

Like we stated above, except for problems related to severe medical conditions, these problems, signs and symptoms are very normal in pregnant women. If you feel very concerned, of-course it could be your first time, just speak to your maternity team and get peace of mind.

Written by James Freeman - read more on this topic on

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Plan For Your Baby, in The Right Manner

Do you dream of the days when your little baby will call you 'mom'? Do you wish to get pregnant soon but do not find the right ways that can lead you to a healthy pregnancy or conception, for that matter? If so, then you really need to have the best advice. There are many people around you who might be willing to offer you free and genuine advice regarding conception. In fact, you can even consult a midwife or your close friends who can guide you about pregnancy and conception.

How to begin

Before moving ahead with the pregnancy planning you should be fully aware of your body and your menstrual cycle. Knowing the best time when your body can actually work with you in helping you conceive is utmost important. Such a time can be figured out with the help of an ovulation calculator.

Such a calculator will help you to have a better understanding about your body and how it actually works. It will help you to be aware of your menstrual cycle and its working. When you know how your menstrual cycle works, you can certainly improve your chances of getting pregnant. It is necessary for you to gain the basic information about ovulation, which will ultimately assist you in increasing your odds of pregnancy.

What is Ovulation

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovaries. This happens every month in a woman's menstrual cycle, and is often regarded as the most fertile period for any woman who wishes to conceive. Ovulation usually occurs somewhere around 14 days before the start of your menstrual cycle. This means if you have a 28 day cycle, then the phase of ovulation would be nearby the 14th day of your cycle.

Understanding about this crucial aspect is quite imperative for any lady, as the chances of getting pregnant are said to be the highest during this phase. Now, as already stated, finding this time period when you are most fertile, can turn out to be quite successful when you are planning your pregnancy, and with the help of tools like ovulation calendar and calculator, you can get to know about this time duration of your cycle.

You can visit the pregnancy and parenting websites that are there on the internet. Such websites offer these calculators, helping you to determine the date or days when you are most likely to conceive, as per your menstruation cycle. All that you need to do is to enter the date of your last period and the duration for which your cycle typically continues. Based on just this much information, you can get an estimate about your most fertile time.

Even when this sort of information is quite significant when you are planning to conceive, still it is important to understand that the date or time that you will calculate will be just an estimate and will not guarantee you a successful conception.

There is no denying that such a calculator is a great tool that may help you to plan your pregnancy period in a successful manner, still you can't entirely depend on it in case you covet to get pregnant. You can find many other tips that can help you to plan your pregnancy, in the right way. So, conduct your research and make way for a healthy and successful prenatal period.

Adams Hall is an experienced journalist and the editor on Women Health topics, but he is a specialist in Pregnancy information write-ups. Adams writes on various matters such as ovulation calendar, ovulation calculator, pregnancy calculator and etc. He has been appreciated for his quality work by many reputed health magazines.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

7 Great Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

You want to be the perfect pregnant mother, doing everything in your power to keep yourself safe and healthy so that your baby develops perfectly.

1. Folic Acid/Folate Supplementation 

Folic Acid is the human-made version of folate, a nutrient naturally found in foods like broccoli, spinach, and liver (yum!). It serves many useful functions in the human body, but for pregnant women it is recommended because it helps prevent some serious birth defects, especially those surrounding the neural tube.

Early supplementation with folic acid, especially during the first month or so of pregnancy is needed to prevent these serious birth defects (including spina bifida). For this reason, women who are actively trying to get pregnant should start folic acid supplementation during the weeks that they are trying to conceive.

In 1996, the US government mandated the enrichment of commercially available grain products (cereal, bread, etc.) with folic acid. Orange juice is also a popular source of folic acid. There are many ways to get your daily amount of folate, including prenatal vitamins, which many doctors prescribe.

2. Avoid Processed Foods 

Processed foods are often nutritionally void and calorically dense. They offer your body (and more importantly, your baby's developing body) nothing that it needs, and may come with a whole host of artificial colors and chemicals. Processed meats like hot dogs can be especially dangerous, as they sometimes carry bacteria that can result is a serious infection or even miscarriage.

Stick to healthy food that you make yourself (or maybe your partner makes!). Use a food thermometer to ensure that all meats are thoroughly cooked. Don't reheat leftovers more than once. Don't ever refreeze food that has been defrosted.

3. Exercise 

Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean that your whole body goes on vacation. The health benefits of exercise can continue well into pregnancy. Low intensity exercises like walking and swimming help keep your cardiovascular system active. Pregnant women can even do many different weightlifitng exercises.

You should, however, avoid any activity with a high chance of falling or impacts to your body. Also be aware of the effects of intense weightlifting moves like deadlifting or squatting on the pelvic regions. Don't do moves like lunges, which can risk damaging connective tissue.

4. Get Regular Sleep 

This is just a tip for good health in general. Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep per day. If your schedule allows it, go to sleep when it gets dark, and wake up naturally when you are rested and refreshed. If you are exercising regularly, that can also help aid you in going to sleep.

This is all easier said than done, however, as pregnant women experience a wide variety of sleep disturbances. Excess liquid can send you to the bathroom several times per night. The fetus can also switch positions and place pressure on the bladder. If you budget yourself ample time to sleep every night, you can try to fight the sleepiness that can come from a lack of deep, restful sleep.

5. See Your Doctor Regularly 

This should also go without saying. If you are serious about your health and the health of your child, then partner up with a good doctor as soon as you are ready to start conceiving. They can help you figure out your best ovulation schedule, get you on prenatal vitamins, and monitor your health and the health of your baby throughout the pregnancy.

6. Stop Smoking/Drinking Alcohol 

This should all go without saying, but there is no safe level of smoking or drinking to do during pregnancy. Smoking and drinking rob the fetus of oxygen that it needs too develop properly. Additionally, exposure to the various substances contained in cigarettes can cause damage to your baby while it is still in the womb. Pregnant women should even avoid second hand smoke. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a very serious condition caused by maternal drinking during pregnancy.

7. Avoid Environmental Pollutants 

Much like second hand smoke and its detrimental effect on the fetus, other environmental pollutants can be dangerous to your baby. Fumes from paint or solvents, lead (usually found in paint in old buildings), and mercury, just to name a few, can all cause birth defects and other complications. Mercury can be found in some varieties of commercially available fish. For this reason, many pregnant women abstain from fish altogether or keep their intakes very low. Keep the environment around you as pure as possible so that your baby can develop in a safe, healthy manner.


Bob Hartzell writes on various topics including health, pregnancy and infectious disease. Most recently he has focused on writing on Antidepressants & birth defects including spina bifida occulta causes, treatment and more.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Avoiding Cellulite Development during Pregnancy

Cellulite is a pregnant woman’s nightmare. These are unsightly fatty tissues seen mostly in the belly and are hard to get rid of. This happens when the skin is being stretched as the baby grows and when the mother gains weight.

To prevent cellulite development, one must maintain a regular exercise, particularly cardio and strengthening exercises. This is a great motivation for pregnant women. Just think of how these cellulite's will look like after pregnancy and you’ll be good to go. If you can control your weight gain during pregnancy, then you have a better chance of reducing cellulite's.

Some people believe that rubbing apple cider vinegar in the cellulite gives great results. Another thing to consider is reducing the consumption of carbohydrates per day. Carbohydrates are one of the fastest to be converted to body fat. Your diet should include proteins, fruits and vegetables. These also help in improving the skin appearance.

If you’re one of those women who are very careful with your weight, then cellulite development might not be an issue for you.

Try target training exercises as well. Perform exercises that target your thighs, hips, buttocks, and stomach. These are the parts which are more prone to weight gain, and have a likely chance of developing cellulite's.

Here are some of the suggested exercises for each body part in case you’d like to try it:

Hip Exercises :
Step-Ups, Walking Half Lunges, Walking Knee Highs, and Side Lunges.

For Thigh Exercises :
Lunges, Bodyweight Squats, Side Lunges and Step – Ups.

Butt Exercises : 
Lunges, Step-Ups, Bodyweight Squats and Walking Half Lunges.

Stomach Exercises :
Lying leg raises with an Exercise ball, Walking Knee Highs, Hanging Leg Raise and Crunches on an Exercise Ball.

Some of these tips might be hard to do, but think about how these cellulite's will look like post pregnancy. Either control your weight gain or deal with the consequences later.

To know more about health, exercise and other pregnancy fitness tips, you can order your own copy of Trim Pregnancy e Book online, and take advantage of the great benefits you can get from the information provided by this eBook. Click for more info

Foods to Avoid for a Healthy Pregnancy and a Healthy Baby

Being pregnant and being an expected mother can be a wonderful time for both you and the family, but its not without its concerns and its worries. As an expected mother you are warned that there are foods that you shouldn’t eat while you are pregnant, and sometimes that information can be a little overwhelming. This article will help you in knowing the types of foods that you should avoid while you are pregnant.

Majority of expected mothers already know that consumption of alcohol, is a big no-no during pregnancy, as there are many consequences, as a result. However, there are some that think just having one every once in a while is okay, but they might be shocked to discover that it too is harmful to the baby. Drinking just even one or two drinks during the beginning stages of the pregnancy, can really affect the development of the baby and be quite harmful to your growing child. The consequence could be quite major, and your baby may end up with fetal alcohol syndrome. Alcohol is a beverage that is really off limit while you are pregnant.

Coffee and caffeine is also something that is strongly advised not to drink while you are pregnant. All though you might be surprised to that there are some doctors, who only say that you should limit your intake, but not take it out all together. This is something that you should consider yourself and speak to your doctor, if you want to drink coffee and caffeine during the day and only consume one, every once in a while.

Any types of foods that is really highly processed, like deli meats, is something that you should be avoiding. Other foods such as raw eggs, undercooked meat, and anything that is high in mercury, (this is usually found in fish). These types of foods you will find are quite high in fat, and produce to much calories for your pregnancy and should be really avoided. As these may help you put on more pounds than you were expected to put on.

There are other foods as well, that spur on your cravings while you are pregnant, especially foods that have very high carbohydrate levels. However, you should note that going on a low carb diet is also a big no no, while you are pregnant as that can be harmful to the baby as well. Having to much carbohydrates means, that you body can have an insulin reaction, which increases the cravings while you are pregnant. Women who do change their level of carbohydrate intake notice a big improvement in how they look and feel.

There are many different foods that you should have during your pregnancy and food groups that you should be avoiding. This will help you go a long way in having a healthy and happy pregnancy. The Trim Pregnancy Guide, will provide you with the extra information that you need in regards to the food groups that you should be avoiding while you are pregnant.