Monday, December 2, 2013

Infertility Frustrations?

While some women are able to get pregnant rather easily, many others have great difficulty. Infertility is not uncommon; fortunately, there are some things women can do to increase their chances of boosting their fertility.

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 6% of married women aged 15 to 44 are infertile, and 7.4 million of all women in that age bracket have used infertility services.

If you are a woman who is trying to conceive and who meets any of the conditions listed below, you should consider making an appointment with a fertility specialist to discuss your options. A fertility expert can also help women who have had unprompted miscarriages.

Infertility Conditions & Causes

Each of the following circumstances officially defines infertility:
  • Inability to become pregnant after one year of trying
  • Irregular menstrual cycles (no cycle, no egg)
  • Women who are 35 or older and have not conceived after 6 months of trying.
There are myriad causes of infertility, but the most common in women include:
  • Early menopause
  • Ovulation maladies
  • Endometriosis
  • Damage or blockage of the fallopian tube
  • Increased level of prolactin
  • Fibroids
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Thyroid problems
  • Pelvic adhesions
  • STDs
Things that Increase Your Infertility

Lifestyle certainly plays a role in infertility. The older a woman gets, the more difficult it is to conceive. With the increasing number of American women (20%) who wait until they are 30-something to think about parenthood, the cases of infertility in women will surly increase as well.

The CDC reports approximately one-third of women over 35 who are trying to conceive experience infertility. Age seems to be the leader factor why a woman is unable to get pregnant.

With age, the likelihood of miscarriage and genetic problems also increases. In some cases when pregnancy does occur, women can have difficulty bringing the child to full term.

While women seeking to conceive can't do much about the age of their ovaries and eggs, they should avoid the following:
  • Smoking
  • Excessive use of alcohol
  • Excessive weight gain or loss
  • Excessive stress either physical or emotional (which can result in absent periods).
It is also advisable to avoid, or at least reduce, caffeine intake. Studies have also shown that ovulation problems are associated with individuals exercising for more than 7 hours per week.

Increasing Your Fertility

Just as there are conditions that increase infertility, there are also actions you can take to increase your ability to get pregnant. It is natural for women to want to do everything possible to increase chances of pregnancy before seeking a fertility specialist.

Eat Healthy Foods

Eating a healthy diet is important for ovulation. Women trying to conceive should be mindful of the following:
  • Eat less trans fats and more monounsaturated fats (like olive oil).
  • Eat less red meat animal protein and more vegetable protein (like soy).
  • Eat less refined sugars and carbohydrates and more high fiber, low-glycemic foods such as whole grains, vegetables, and some fruits.
  • Eat moderate amounts of high-fat dairy products such as ice cream, whole milk, and cheese.
Control your Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is helpful in making sure your cycles are regular as well as contributing to the overall health of your ovaries. The more irregular the body mass index (BMI), both higher and lower, the more a woman's ability to conceive is directly affected.

Reduce Stress

While highly debated, many physicians believe reducing stress positively enhances a woman's chances of pregnancy.


Tracking your ovulation cycle is very helpful in making sure you don't miss that prime-time window of opportunity. This method is especially helpful because sperm lives much longer than eggs. There are even OTC kits that assist you in determining when you are ovulating.

Conception Kits and Other Tests

Until recently, ovulation kits couldn't actually help you get pregnant. A kit is now available that not only helps you predict ovulation, it includes a small latex-free cervical cap to ejaculate in and is then inserted into the woman's cervix directly.

Think of it as a way to perform an at-home mini-insemination. Essentially, the procedure places the sperm where it needs to be without having to swim their way there.

If you are having difficulty getting pregnant, make an appointment with your gynecologist or fertility specialist for more information about your options. Long strides have been made in the fertility field, helping many people become parents.

Whether you're trying to get pregnant or are currently pregnant, it 's very important to consult with a board-certified obstetrician. Florida pregnancy care specialists at All About Women offer not only the highest quality, but the most compassionate care for this special time in your life.

Article Source:  Infertility Frustrations?

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