Sunday, November 17, 2013

Foods That Can Help You Get Pregnant Easily

Unknown to most women, there are some foods that can help you get pregnant easily. There are actually other factors to help you get pregnant fast and food is just one of them. What you eat can actually affect how fast you will conceive. This even applies to your partner, as it takes two to tango.

New findings indicate that your diet during pregnancy could even affect your chances of having either a baby girl or boy. In fact, research has discovered that expecting mothers who often had a high-calorie diet and ate breakfast regularly had more chances of giving birth to a baby boy. Scientists are suggesting that people being too busy for breakfast and having low calorie diets these days probably influence the increasing number of girls being born in recent years.

So how can food make one get pregnant easily? To date, there is proof established yet, but there is increasing evidence on the subject. In studies, those who took multivitamins that included folic acid or iron were found to have better chances of getting pregnant. It is also found that nutrients deriving from vegetables, fruits, beans and supplements in contrast to red meat, are able to boost fertility.

Watching Weight 
Experts suggest that anyone wanting to get pregnant easily should initially watch her weight. Women who have a BMI (body mass index) of 20 to 24 have the most likelihood of falling pregnant. On the other hand, women with a BMI over 24 or less than 20 have a less likelihood of conceiving. However, this definitely does not mean there's no hope for those who do not fall in the healthy weight category. Studies indicate that any woman can jump-start ovulation by making some healthy and moderate changes in their weight.

Organic Food 
So what foods can you try to get pregnant easily? There are a number of foods that are considered fertility boosting. Try to consume about 8 portions of organic fruits and vegetables each day. Go for organic when it comes to animal produce such as meat and dairy products. Consume more brown whole foods instead of white refined foods-whole foods contain more zinc, which is good for you. Moreover, you need to eat fewer portions but on a regular basis each day to maintain proper blood sugar levels in your body.

Don't forget your fiber, which is important in maintaining a healthy bowel and boosting fertility. Finally, eat more "good fats," which could be taken from oily fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel. You may take fish oil supplements or eat sunflower/pumpkin seeds, as mercury levels can be high in seafood. While you're at it, drink around 8 glass of water each day.

Foods To Avoid 
While there are foods that can help you get pregnant easily, there are those that you should avoid. Avoid drinking caffeine as much as possible. Also avoid drinking alcohol. These substances are known to present a risk of infertility in women.

Choose your diet well. Food has obviously been used as a source of nutrients for our well-being. But with so many choices these days, we need to choose the right kinds of food. Eating wisely can help any woman get pregnant easily.

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